
Green Man 4


Quinta da Aveleda- Dezembro 2005

«The Green Man signifies irrepressible life. Once he has come into your awareness, you will find him speaking to you wherever you go.» in Green Man: The Archetype of our Oneness with the Earth, William Anderson. (Harper & Collins, 1990) > >

Green Man 1-Green Man 2 & 3

2 comentários :

Anónimo disse...

Há um poema muito interessante de John Heath-Stubbs, intitulado "The Green Man's Last Will and Testament". O texto é demasiado longo para transcrever aqui (e não encontrei, hélas, qualquer versão online), mas não resisto a deixar estes versos:

In a ragged spinney (scheduled
For prompt development as a bijou housing estate)
I saw the green daemon of England's wood
As he wrote his testament. The grey goose
Had given him one of her quills for a pen;
The robin's breast was a crimson seal;
The long yellow centipede held a candle.

He seemed like a hollow oak-trunk, smothered with ivy:
At his feet or roots clustered the witnesses,
Like hectic toadstools, or pallid as broom-rape [...]

'I am sick, I must die,' he said. 'Poisoned like Lord Randal
From hedges and ditches. My ditches run with pollution,
My hedgerows are gone, and the hedgerows singers.' [...]

[o poema prossegue com um longo monólogo dramático do Green Man ;o) ]

The Faber Book of Landscape Poetry, ed. Kenneth Baker (London: Faber, 2000) 207-09.


greenman disse...

Muito bonito, tanto o Green Man como o poema!
Eu gosto muito de Green Men... E é o nome do meu Blog mais verde...